
[image src=”http://oxeso.com/side/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/3.jpg” style=”full-image” alt=””]

Responsive image. Flip your device!

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Retina lists? Sure! We have those too!

Lists are amazingly important to show off different things. So, these lists are retina too! Something for everything!

[ulist style=”icon-lists”]

[listitem style=”list-add”]Add List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-chart”]Chart List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-chartflip”]Chart Flipped List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-close”]Close List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-down”]Down List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-error”]Error List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-heart”]Heart List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-info”]Information List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-left”]Left List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-page”]Page List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-right”]Right List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-rss”]RSS List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-search”]Search List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-staroff”]Star Off List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-staron”]Star On List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-twitter”]Twitter List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-facebook”]Facebook List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-up”]Up List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-warning”]Warning List[/listitem]

[listitem style=”list-add”]Add List[/listitem]


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Highlights! We have those too!

They are pretty useful when you really want to emphesize something with style!

[highlight style=”highlight-orange”]Donec vehiculas[/highlight] aliqet justi roncs. Proin sagittis mauris mauris maleda.

[highlight style=”highlight-green”]Donec vehiculas[/highlight] aliqet justi roncs. Proin sagittis mauris mauris maleda.

[highlight style=”highlight-yellow”]Donec vehiculas[/highlight] aliqet justi roncs. Proin sagittis mauris mauris maleda.

[highlight style=”highlight-gray”]Donec vehiculas[/highlight] aliqet justi roncs. Proin sagittis mauris mauris maleda.

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[button to=”” style=”grey”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”yellow”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”green”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”black”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”red”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”blue”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”gblue”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”purple”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”grey”]But[/button][button to=”” style=”yellow”]But[/button]

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[toggle style=”toggle-plus” title=”Click here to expand the toggle!”]

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


[toggle style=”toggle-arrow” title=”Click here to expand the toggle!”]

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.


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Full Width Text

An example of text that expands to the full width of your devices screen. Rotate it and see. Of course, all text does this, but this paragraph is special!

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Two columns of text

[onehalf]Two columns of text? Not a problem! Easy peasy! Meet column one![/onehalf]

[onehalflast]And of course, this is column two! They are floated, and lyquid![/onehalflast]

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Three columns of text

[onethird]Three columns of text? Not a problem! Easy peasy! Meet column one![/onethird]

[onethird]last but not least, column three! They are floated, and lyquid![/onethird]

[onethirdlast]Three columns of text? Not a problem! Easy peasy! Meet column one![/onethirdlast]

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[alertbox style=”notification-box-green”]Yes, green is good![/alertbox]

[alertbox style=”notification-box-yellow”]Something requires attention![/alertbox]

[alertbox style=”notification-box-blue”]Something interesting![/alertbox]

[alertbox style=”notification-box-red”]Attention! Bad things here![/alertbox]

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Icons? Sure! Retina ready!

Icons are awesome, especially since they are made to look even better on retina displays. Yeap! They work on every possible phone, but for the iPhone, they are retina ready!

[icon to=”” style=”android”][icon to=”” style=”addressbook”][icon to=”” style=”alert2″][icon to=”” style=”alert3″][icon to=”” style=”android”][icon to=”” style=”arrow-down”][icon to=”” style=”arrow-left”][icon to=”” style=”arrow-right”][icon to=”” style=”arrow-up”][icon to=”” style=”bberry”][icon to=”” style=”bluetooth”][icon to=”” style=”cameras”][icon to=”” style=”cart”][icon to=”” style=”chalendar”][icon to=”” style=”chart”][icon to=”” style=”clip”][icon to=”” style=”clocks”][icon to=”” style=”cloud-down”][icon to=”” style=”cloud-up”][icon to=”” style=”cog1″][icon to=”” style=”cog2″][icon to=”” style=”columns”][icon to=”” style=”commentBtn”][icon to=”” style=”delicious”][icon to=”” style=”digg”][icon to=”” style=”documents”][icon to=”” style=”download”][icon to=”” style=”dribble”][icon to=”” style=”dropbox”][icon to=”” style=”facebook”][icon to=”” style=”female”][icon to=”” style=”film-strip”][icon to=”” style=”fullscreen”][icon to=”” style=”go-full”][icon to=”” style=”go-normal”][icon to=”” style=”graph”][icon to=”” style=”headset”][icon to=”” style=”highdef”][icon to=”” style=”highdef2″][icon to=”” style=”homeBtn”][icon to=”” style=”href”][icon to=”” style=”imac”][icon to=”” style=”img”][icon to=”” style=”img2″][icon to=”” style=”ipad”][icon to=”” style=”iphone”][icon to=”” style=”ipodc”][icon to=”” style=”ipodn”][icon to=”” style=”laptop”][icon to=”” style=”linux”][icon to=”” style=”list”][icon to=”” style=”list-image”][icon to=”” style=”lists”][icon to=”” style=”location”][icon to=”” style=”lowdef”][icon to=”” style=”lowdef2″][icon to=”” style=”magnifier”][icon to=”” style=”mail”][icon to=”” style=”male”][icon to=”” style=”mic”][icon to=”” style=”mobile”][icon to=”” style=”money”][icon to=”” style=”mouse”][icon to=”” style=”myspace”][icon to=”” style=”osx”][icon to=”” style=”paypal”][icon to=”” style=”pdf-doc”][icon to=”” style=”pdf-docs”][icon to=”” style=”phone”][icon to=”” style=”price”][icon to=”” style=”refresh”][icon to=”” style=”refresh2″][icon to=”” style=”settings”][icon to=”” style=”shuffle”][icon to=”” style=”sign”][icon to=”” style=”skype”][icon to=”” style=”speach”][icon to=”” style=”speach2″][icon to=”” style=”stumble”][icon to=”” style=”tags”][icon to=”” style=”tumblr”][icon to=”” style=”twitter”][icon to=”” style=”upload”][icon to=”” style=”user”][icon to=”” style=”users”][icon to=”” style=”vimeo”][icon to=”” style=”volume”][icon to=”” style=”wifi”][icon to=”” style=”win”][icon to=”” style=”wp”][icon to=”” style=”youtube”]

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